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Getting Started

Welcome to the Vuetify Nuxt Module documentation.

Breaking Changes

From v0.10.0 version, this module requires Nuxt v3.9.0+.

From v0.7.0 version, this module requires Nuxt v3.6.5+.

You can open the vuetify-nuxt-module GitHub repo in StackBlitz to start playing with the playground:

Open in StackBlitz



Requires Vite, will not work with Webpack

npx nuxi@latest module add vuetify-nuxt-module



vuetify-nuxt-module is strongly opinionated and has a built-in default configuration out of the box. You can use it without any configuration, and it will work for most use cases.


You don't need to install any Vuetify Vite Plugin, the module will throw an error if any Vuetify Vite Plugin is installed in your Nuxt configuration.

Check out the Globals entry for more info.

Add vuetify-nuxt-module module to nuxt.config.ts and configure it:

// Nuxt config file
import { defineNuxtConfig } from 'nuxt/config'

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: [
  vuetify: {
    moduleOptions: {
      /* module specific options */
    vuetifyOptions: {
      /* vuetify options */

Module Options

Check out the type declaration src/types.ts.

Vuetify Nuxt Module Options
export interface ModuleOptions {
  moduleOptions?: MOptions
   * Vuetify options.
   * You can inline the configuration or specify a file path:
   * `vuetifyOptions: './vuetify.options.ts'`
   * The path should be relative to the root folder.
  vuetifyOptions?: string | VOptions
export interface MOptions {
   * @default true
  importComposables?: boolean
   * If you are using another composables that collide with the Vuetify ones,
   * enable this flag to prefix them with `V`:
   * - `useLocale` -> `useVLocale`
   * - `useDefaults` -> `useVDefaults`
   * - `useDisplay` -> `useVDisplay`
   * - `useLayout` -> `useVLayout`
   * - `useRtl` -> `useVRtl`
   * - `useTheme` -> `useVTheme`
   * @default false
  prefixComposables?: boolean
   * Vuetify styles.
   * If you want to use configFile on SSR, you have to disable `experimental.inlineSSRStyles` in nuxt.config.
   * @see
   * @see and
   * @default true
  styles?: true | 'none' | 'sass' | {
    configFile: string
   * Add Vuetify Vite Plugin `transformAssetsUrls`?
   * You can extend the Vuetify `transformAssetsUrls`.
   * @default true
  includeTransformAssetsUrls?: boolean | Record<string, string[]>
   * Directives Vuetify Vite Plugin should ignore.
   * @since v0.15.1
  ignoreDirectives?: DirectiveName | DirectiveName[]
   * Vuetify SSR client hints.
   * @see
  ssrClientHints?: {
     * Should the module reload the page on first request?
     * @default false
    reloadOnFirstRequest?: boolean
     * Enable `Sec-CH-Viewport-Width` and `Sec-CH-Viewport-Height` headers?
     * @see
     * @see
     * @default false
    viewportSize?: boolean
     * Enable `Sec-CH-Prefers-Color-Scheme` header?
     * @see
     * @default false
    prefersColorScheme?: boolean
     * The options for `prefersColorScheme`, `prefersColorScheme` must be enabled.
     * If you want the module to handle the color scheme for you, you should configure this option, otherwise you'll need to add your custom implementation.
    prefersColorSchemeOptions?: {
       * The name for the cookie.
       * @default 'color-scheme'
      cookieName?: string
       * The name for the dark theme.
       * @default 'dark'
      darkThemeName?: string
       * The name for the light theme.
       * @default 'light'
      lightThemeName?: string
       * Use the browser theme only?
       * This flag can be used when your application provides a custom dark and light themes,
       * but will not provide a theme switcher, that's, using by default the browser theme.
       * @default false
      useBrowserThemeOnly?: boolean
     * Enable `Sec-CH-Prefers-Reduced-Motion` header?
     * @see
     * @default false
    prefersReducedMotion?: boolean
export interface VOptions extends Partial<Omit<VuetifyOptions, 'ssr' | 'aliases' | 'components' | 'directives' | 'locale' | 'date' | 'icons'>> {
   * Configure the SSR options.
   * This option is only used when SSR is enabled in your Nuxt configuration.
  ssr?: {
    clientWidth: number
    clientHeight?: number

  aliases?: Record<string, ComponentName>
   * Do you need to configure some global components?.
   * @default false
  components?: Components
   * Configure the locale messages, the locale, the fallback locale and RTL options.
   * When `@nuxtjs/i18n` Nuxt module is present, the following options will be ignored:
   * - `locale`
   * - `fallback`
   * - `rtl`
   * - `messages`
   * The adapter will be `vuetify`, if you want to use another adapter, check `date` option.
  locale?: Omit<LocaleOptions, 'adapter'> & RtlOptions
   * Include locale messages?
   * When `@nuxtjs/i18n` Nuxt module is present, this option will be ignored.
   * You can include the locales you want to use in your application, this module will load and configure the messages for you.
  localeMessages?: VuetifyLocale | VuetifyLocale[]
   * Include the lab components?
   * You can include all lab components configuring `labComponents: true`.
   * You can provide an array with the names of the lab components to include.
   * @see
   * @default false
  labComponents?: LabComponents
   * Include the directives?
   * You can include all directives configuring `directives: true`.
   * You can provide an array with the names of the directives to include.
   * @default false
  directives?: Directives
   * Date configuration.
   * When this option is configured, the `v-date-picker` lab component will be included.
   * @see
   * @see
  date?: DateOptions
   * Include the icons?
   * By default, `mdi` icons will be used via cdn:
   * @see
  icons?: false | IconsOptions

Released under the MIT License.